apan Foundation Film Screening: The Shimanto River
Released in 1991, this Japanese movie tells the tale of a family struggling to deal with the serious injury of the father. The son, Atsuyoshi, feels burdened to balance the responsibilities of being the only male in the house and joys of simply being a boy. "The Shimanto River", directed by Onchi Hideo, will be screened at the centre's mini auditorium.
The Shimanto River / 四万十川
Directed by ONCHI Hideo (恩地 日出夫), 1991, 111min, Colour
Staff Director: Screenplay: Based on a novel by: Executive Producer: Producer: Photography: Music: | ONCHI Hideo FURUTA Kyu SASAYAMA Kyuzo NABESHIMA Hisao ISAKI Nobuaki ANDO Shohei MOURI Kuroudo |
Cast Yamamoto Atsuyoshi: YAMADA Teppei 山田 哲平 Asako, his sister: TAKAHASHI Kaori 高橋 かおり Sumi, mother: HIGUCHI Kanako 樋口 可南子 Hideo, father: KOBAYASHI Kaoru 小林 薫 Asano Chiyoko, Atsu’s friend: KOJIMA Sachiko 小島 幸子 |
A boy named Atsuyoshi grows up along the
Atsu helps the shop when possible, but he also attends school and play with his friend, Taichi. Atsu is disturbed by his father’s absence and his mother’s overwork. He depends on his elder sister Atsuko. When the sister announces she will leave school and go work in the city to make extra money, Atsu throws a fit.
Malaysia Tourism Centre |
Malaysia Tourism Centre (MTC) 109, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur |
Contact No : 03- 2163 3664/2164 3 |
Train : Dang Wangi (LRT) |
Time: Start at 16.30pm
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